Friday, October 31, 2008

Dead Consoles The Dying

Heard this ever in your life that the Dead Consoles The Dying ?
Actually this is my first blog and today just like that I read out some of the previous posts on that and I wondered that the content was good but it had not received the attention that it was worth of. So here I am asking my readers to look for this by clicking here.

Let me know your feedback through comments there on Yahoo or here at Blogger :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yahoo's World Search Championship

Hey Guys, Yahoo is always trying to do something to get an edge over Google and guess what Yahoo is again in news with its "World Search Championship".
The game's simple, you got 10 questions to answer and you got your favorite search engine beating adrenalin for you to find out the answer, and there's more to it that the time gets counted. So whoever does it, i mean answer all 10 questions in the minimum time frame takes cool prizes home but dont just get carried away by the quiz and the mention of prizes; there's a catch. Read on...

You answer questions right and you hit GO to get to your next question and hold on... whats this? Yahoo tells you that the answer is wrong and you are hung on the same screen trying to figure out which is a correct answer if this one is not. Guys thats where Yahoo takes you for a ride. Your answer is right and the whole vast world wide web will also tell you the same thing BUT Yahoo wont accept it. So....
So here's the take guys, dont be a fool, dont get trapped, you wont be ble to make through this quiz thing and there wont be any prizes for anybody.
Just drop the idea of playing this quiz. I tried it twice and once was trapped on Ques. No 8 in 12th minute and second time I was trapped on Ques. No 5 in 4th minute. My answers were absolutely correct, I mean Koby bryant now wears number 24 jersey and Ronaldo played for a club Arindonha at the age of 8, and WWW is confirmong on these two answers.

1. Dont Play and ruin your day.
2. Yahoo is a Cheater and Google still is the #1 Search engine

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Google Chrome is Out Guys - New Internet Browser

Hey Guys, this is out now and pretty cool on the looks and usability fronts. I am talking about the new internet browser from Google Inc. : Google Chrome. Has got a user interface which gels well with leading operating systems viz. XP and Vista both. Nice bubbly edges and features that again remind you of the funky cool side of the developers at google and the casualness that they carry in order to make the product more appealing to prospective users. Features include Google suggest (receive results as you type), Favorites or bookmark pages been showed as thumbnails and desktop shortcuts for your most visted web-applications.
Get a first hand view of it here. and get to learn more about it here.
And when you go and customize it from options, very user friendly and I must say beats Firefox on the friendliness face..

Saturday, September 06, 2008

New RBI Governor Appointed

As the current Governor Y.V.Reddy's tenure ended yesterday on Sept 05 '2008, the Indian government appointed finance secretary Duvvuri Subbarao as the new governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
A news article in Economic Times mentions that "This puts an end to speculation over who would take over the reins of the central bank from Mr Reddy, whose tough but sure handling of monetary policy has served India well in these times of global financial turbulence." However if we go by one of my previous posts titled 'About India's Inflation', Ajay Shah has mentioned clearly that the current monetary policy has not been good of lately.
Now since Ajay's and Economic Times statements are litle contradictory in natue, then, is the UPA Government again out to fool the common man? Or may be, out to fool only the relieved Mr. Y.V.Reddy? Ponder it yourself.

About India's Inflation

Ajay Shah, A Senior Fellow at National Institute for Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi has written an opinion about India's Inflation in Wall Street Journal's September 02 '2008 edition. Quite interesting for those who understand terms of economics.
This opinion can be read by clicking

Windows Vista eBooks

I have recently upgraded myself to Windows Vista. Found it pretty difficult to handle initially. But now I am getting hold of Windows Vista and its features and annoyances for many.
I know I am being cyniccal saying that Windows Vista is good, but trust me it really is(provided you can bear up with the hardware upgrade that it makes mandatory) good.

I found some eBooks online for Windows Vista which have helped me alot working my hands upon Vista features. Quite useful an can be obtained by clicking
Happy Vistalating! :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

My other old entries are on Yahoo!

Yes Yes I am available on Yahoo also with a number of interesting posts. Check these out sometime :-)

Incredible India

Hi Guys, Yeah I know its been long since I posted any entry here. Actually I was cropped up by my work schedule and the thoughts that were coming in my mind were too many to be handled by a blog. However today I just found a presentation on Incredible India and you know what I am tempted to provide this to others as wel. Its so nice.
It can be watched online at this place
To download it, go to this place

I do have some other real fascinating stuff on Incredible India but for the moment, thats it. Will post those also some time later when my temptations force me make another entry.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Whats on your mind??

Hey Guys!!
Thought of creating a poll based on comments alone. You thinking whats that about, hmm?okey, actually its a section on my blog where you just come flying in through the tags "Whats on your mind??" or "Poll" or even a "Vote"; and then you just add a comment about whats on your mind at that particular moment :) or may be you can think whats on your mind and then come here to add the comment.So you coe and add a comment; then comes another patriot, pus in his/her comment and this way the setion gets built on beauifully and collaboratively.
You can even add some links to give insights on that thing thats on your mind at that moment.
So now You have read this, Click on the link below this post to add your comment.My comment can be seen as an example for beginners.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Hey People :-)
The space out of this space will be walked through as soon as I get sm tym to get my spacemachine rolling. Till then have patience and be content with

Thanx 4 your anticipated patience:-)